A Presentation on BES III: Research, Education, and Engagement from the Sanitary to the Sustainable City

By now, friends and members of BES are familiar with the new research strategy we have developed to guide our third grant cycle.  A new six year grant is an opportunity to keep up important long-term measurements and experiments, but is also a chance to make important changes.

The fact that the Baltimore metropolitan area has several jurisdictions that have generated substantial, broadly based sustainability plans suggested that one change BES should make was to study how those sustainability efforts in fact changed the social-ecological dynamics of the city, suburbs, and countryside as a linked system.  Earlier posts in the Director’s Corner laid out the planning process that led to this decision.  Other posts described the proposal and the strategy it embodied.

Now I have posted a narrated slide presentation on Nature Precedings that gives an overview of BES Phase III.  To hear the narration, use the PowerPoint version.  The PDF version will just have the slides.  The presentation does violate the YouTube rule:  It is long, about 20 minutes.  But for those who like slides, and who enjoy being walked through them, have a look.

Here’s the link:

Here’s the via Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

Here’s how to cite the narrated presentation:

Pickett, Steward. Introduction to the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, Long-Term Ecological Research Project, Phase III. Available from Nature Precedings (2011)