Baltimore Ecosystem Study Data Catalog

To submit data for the BES LTER catalog, please email Dr. Chris Swan at

# Title Original Publish Date Latest Revision Date Author/Originator Core Area LTER PASTA Link
1 American Residential Macrosystems – American Residential Macrosystem lawn, soil and and yard acreage data in seven major metropolitan cities across the US 7/17/2018 7/17/2018 Peter Groffman, Jeanine Cavender-Bares, Sarah Hobbie MOIM Data
2 Baltimore Ecosystem Study polar organic contaminant integrative sampler data for pharmaceuticals and personal care products in core sites within Gwynns Falls watershed and reference sites. – We are interested in studying the presence and concentrations of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) within urban streams, and then linking these PPCPs with various stream ecosystem functions. To quantify the concentrations of PPCPs in streams, we deploy polar organic contaminant integrative samples (POCIS), which integrate all organic contaminants that pass by them in a stream over a set period of deployment. These POCIS allow us to integrate the total amount of PPCPs within a stream over a set period of time, and then to relate these concentrations with other ecosystem processes. 2/26/2018 10/18/2012 Emma Rosi, Alexander Reisinger MOIM Data
3 BES bird survey for Watershed 263, winter, 2012, survey data. This dataset pairs with a file of same name containing a summary of the survey. – Survey of urban birds in locations within Watershed 263. Survey was taken in winter, 2012. This file accompanies one of same name labeled survey summary. 9/19/2013 3/23/2012 Charlie Nilon PS Data
4 BES bird survey for Watershed 263, winter, 2012, survey summary. This dataset pairs with a file of same name containing the data (counts) for the survey. – Survey of urban birds in locations within Watershed 263. Survey was taken in winter, 2012. This file accompanies one of same name labeled survey data, and describes the survey parameters. 9/19/2013 3/23/2012 Charlie Nilon PS Data
5 BES bird survey habitat features. This is a collection of the habitat features for the BES bird sampling points. Features include number of houses, proximity to trees, shrubs, grass, annuals, and other vegetation and physical features. – This is a collection of the habitat features for the BES bird sampling points. Features include number of houses, proximity to trees, shrubs, grass, annuals, and other vegetation and physical features. 9/19/2013 2/7/2013 Charlie Nilon PS Data
6 BES Household Telephone Survey – Baltimore Ecosystem Study Household Telephone Survey 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2011 2/28/2018 2/28/2018 Morgan Grove, Dexter Locke HEI Data
7 BESLTER Permanent Plot vegetation data combined for the survey years of 1998, 2003, and 2015 – BESLTER Permanent Plot vegetation data combined for the survey years of 1998, 2003, and 2015 – In 1998, the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) established eight forest plots to investigate the impacts of urbanization on natural ecosystems (Groffman et al. 2006). Four plots were established in urban forest patches and four in rural forests. All eight plots are located within the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Laura Templeton, Mary Cadenasso, Peter Groffmann PP, PS, D Data
8 Biodiversity – Fauna – Bird Survey – Biodiversity – Fauna – Bird Survey – Table 1 of 4 – Birds 11/13/2017 11/13/2017 Charlie Nilon, Christine Brodsky PS Data
9 Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Cub Hill Forest Earthworms – Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Cub Hill Forest Earthworms 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 Kathy Szlavecz PS Data
10 Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Earthworm Localities – Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Earthworm Localities 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 Kathy Szlavecz PS Data
11 Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Relative frequency of soil arthropod groups at Cub Hill – Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Relative frequency of soil arthropod groups at Cub Hill 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 Kathy Szlavecz PS Data
12 Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Relative frequency of terrestrial isopod species in urban and rural forests – Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Relative frequency of terrestrial isopod species in urban and rural forests 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 Kathy Szlavecz PS Data
13 Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Species List – Biodiversity – Fauna – Soil Fauna – Species List 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 Kathy Szlavecz PS Data
14 Biodiversity, Brownfields Invertebrate and Habitat – Metacommunity Theory Meets Restoration: Isolation May Mediate How Ecological Communities Respond to Stream Restoration – Metacommunity Theory Meets Restoration: Isolation May Mediate How Ecological Communities Respond to Stream Restoration 6/21/2017 6/21/2017 Chris Swan PS, OM Data
15 Biodiversity, Fauna, Vacant Lot Bird Communities – Biodiversity, BES Bird Monitoring Project 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Charlie Nilon PS Data
16 CENTURY modeled urban residential soil and tree carbon – CENTURY model runs conducted on BES residential lawns. Data includes observed soil C storage, CENTURY-modeled soil C, and UFORE-estimated tree C storage. Model runs were adjusted by altering fertilizer applications, tree pruning or removal, and construction disturbance (soil erosion) to improve model fit. 1/9/2017 1/9/2017 Tara Trammell, Ian Yesilonis PP, OM, MOIM Data
17 Data for L.R. Johnson and S.N. Handel – Restoration treatments in urban park forests drive long-term changes in vegetation trajectories – Ecological Applications doi:10.1890/14-2063.1 – Urban Park Forests under Restoration: Ground layer species cover, woody understory stem counts by species, and tree DBH by species, Ground layer species cover, woody understory stem counts by species, and tree DBH by species. 1/20/2016 6/22/2010 Lea Johnson PP, PS, D Data
18 Denitrification potential in riparian zones and streams – Denitrification potential in riparian zones and streams 7/30/2015 7/30/2015 Peter Groffman MOIM, OM Data
19 Geodatabase for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Spatial Data – Geodatabase for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Spatial Data – An ESRI file geodatabase. This collection consists of considerably large files. It can also be obtained on physical media by contacting the BES Information Manager. 5/4/2012 5/4/2012 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
20 GIS Shapefile – A and T (Assessment and Taxation) DATA, Baltimore City County 2007 – GIS Shapefile – Asessment and Taxation A&T DATA, Baltimore City County 2007 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
21 GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, Baltimore City, block group – GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, Baltimore City, block group 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
22 GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, block group – GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, block group 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
23 GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, parcel level – GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, parcel level 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
24 GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, residential. – GIS Shapefile – Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, residential. 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
25 GIS Shapefile – Baltimore City Limits (not coincident with main study area boundary) – GIS Shapefile – Baltimore City Limits (not coincident with main study area boundary) 4/2/2004 4/2/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
26 GIS Shapefile – Baltimore City Liquor Licenses – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Baltimore City Liquor Licenses 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
27 GIS Shapefile – Baltimore County Parcels, 2007, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Baltimore County Parcels, 2007, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
28 GIS Shapefile – Brownfields, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Brownfields, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
29 GIS Shapefile – Counties, MSA – County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. – GIS Shapefile – Counties, MSA – County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. 4/14/2004 4/14/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
30 GIS Shapefile – Counties, MSA – County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. – GIS Shapefile – Counties, MSA – County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. 4/14/2004 4/14/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
31 GIS Shapefile – Crime Risk Database, MSA – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Crime Risk Database, MSA 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
32 GIS Shapefile – CrimeRisk_1999_2005_MSA – GIS Shapefile – Analysis of crime data for the Baltimore MSA. 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
33 GIS Shapefile – Drug Centers, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Drug Centers, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
34 GIS Shapefile – Environmental Health Complaints, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Environmental Health Complaints, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
35 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2003, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Title: AT_2003_BACI_1 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
36 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Anne Arundel County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Anne Arundel County 11/15/2004 11/15/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
37 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore City 11/15/2004 11/15/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
38 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
39 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Carroll County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Carroll County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
40 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Harford County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Harford County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
41 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Howard County – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Assessments and Taxation Database, MD Property View 2004, Howard County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
42 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Cadastral_Planimetric, Building Footprints, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Cadastral_Planimetric, Building Footprints, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
43 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Cadastral_Planimetric, Building Footprints, Baltimore County – GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Cadastral_Planimetric, Building Footprints, Baltimore County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
44 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2003, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Title: CAMA_2003_BACI_1 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
45 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Anne Arundel County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Anne Arundel County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
46 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
47 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltmore County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Baltmore County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
48 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Carroll County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Carroll County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
49 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Harford County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Harford County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
50 GIS Shapefile – GIS Shapefile, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Howard County – GIS Shapefile – Title: Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Database, MD Property View 2004, Howard County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
51 GIS Shapefile – Health Organizations, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Health Organizations, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
52 GIS Shapefile – Hospitals, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Hospitals, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
53 GIS Shapefile – Housing Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Housing Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
54 GIS Shapefile – Housing Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Housing Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
55 GIS Shapefile – Housing Notices, Baltimore City, 01/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Housing Notices, Baltimore City, 01/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
56 GIS Shapefile – Housing Notices, Baltimore City, 02/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Housing Notices, Baltimore City, 02/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
57 GIS Shapefile – Identification of priority planting locations for trees within Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Identification of priority planting locations for trees within Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
58 GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Anne Arundel County – GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Anne Arundel County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
59 GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Baltimore County – GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Baltimore County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
60 GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Carroll County – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Inventory of Historic Properties, Carroll County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
61 GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Harford County – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Inventory of Historic Properties, Harford County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
62 GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Howard County – GIS Shapefile – Inventory of Historic Properties, Howard County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
63 GIS Shapefile – Land Use by Parcel, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Land Use by Parcl, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
64 GIS Shapefile – Landmarks, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Landmarks, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
65 GIS Shapefile – Legislative Districts in Baltimore – Boundaries as defined in 2004. – GIS Shapefile – Legislative Districts in Baltimore – Boundaries as defined in 2004. 1/31/2001 1/31/2001 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
66 GIS Shapefile – Libraries, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Libraries, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
67 GIS Shapefile – Long Term Sampling Grid, 100 Meters, Baltimore MSA – BES Main Study Area – GIS Shapefile – Long Term Sampling Grid, 100 Meters, Baltimore MSA – BES Main Study Area 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
68 GIS Shapefile – Long Term Sampling Grid, 300 Meters, Baltimore MSA – BES Main Study Area – GIS Shapefile – Long Term Sampling Grid, 300 Meters, Baltimore MSA – BES Main Study Area 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
69 GIS Shapefile – Main Study Area Boundary – BES Main Study Area – GIS Shapefile – Main Study Area Boundary – BES Main Study Area 4/14/2004 4/14/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove PS, LULC Data
70 GIS Shapefile – Museums, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Museums, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
71 GIS Shapefile – National Register of Historic Places, MD – GIS Shapefile – National Register of Historic Places, MD 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
72 GIS Shapefile – Neighborhood boundaries for neighborhoods within Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Neighborhood boundaries for neighborhoods within Baltimore City 2/6/2001 9/28/2016 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
73 GIS Shapefile – Newcomer Hotspots, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Newcomer Hotspots, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
74 GIS Shapefile – Ordinance_parcels – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Ordinance_parcels 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
75 GIS Shapefile – Ordinance_point – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Ordinance_point 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
76 GIS Shapefile – Police Districts, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Police Districts, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
77 GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2003 Edition, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2003 Edition, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
78 GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2003 Edition, Baltimore County, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2003 Edition, Baltimore County, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
79 GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2004 Edition, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Property Parcel Boundaries, 2004 Edition, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
80 GIS Shapefile – Property Variables for Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Property Variables for Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
81 GIS Shapefile – Public Right-of-Way Land, 2003, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Public Right-of-Way Land, 2003, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
82 GIS Shapefile – Recreational Centers, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Recreational Centers, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
83 GIS Shapefile – Religious Organization Parcels, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Religious Organization Parcels, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
84 GIS Shapefile – Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City, block group – GIS Shapefile – Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City, block group 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
85 GIS Shapefile – Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City. – GIS Shapefile – Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City. 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
86 GIS Shapefile – School Parcels, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – School Parcels, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
87 GIS Shapefile – Schools, Baltimore City, Shapefile – GIS Shapefile – Schools, Baltimore City, Shapefile 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
88 GIS Shapefile – Soil, Survey County of Baltimore, Maryland – GIS Shapefile – Soil survey for Baltimore County 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
89 GIS Shapefile – Soil, Survey for City of Baltimore, Maryland – GIS Shapefile – Soil survey for Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
90 GIS Shapefile – Soil, Sampling locations, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Soil sampling locations, BES 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
91 GIS Shapefile – Summary of Block Group level analyses for Baltimore City. – GIS Shapefile – Summary of Block Group level analyses for Baltimore City. 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
92 GIS Shapefile – Transportation Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Transportation Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
93 GIS Shapefile – Transportation Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Transportation Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
94 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Highways, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Highways, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
95 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Light Rail Stations, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Light Rail Stations, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
96 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Light Rail, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Light Rail, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
97 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Major Roads, Baltimore City – GDT Roads – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Major Roads, Baltimore City – GDT Roads 4/1/2004 4/1/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
98 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Parking Facilities, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Parking Facilities, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
99 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Railroads, Baltimore City, Main Study Area – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Railroads, Baltimore City, Main Study Area 4/1/2004 4/1/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
100 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Railroads, GDT, MSA – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Railroads, GDT, MSA 4/1/2004 4/1/2004 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
101 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Street Boundaries, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Street Boundaries, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
102 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Street Centerlines, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Street Centerlines, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
103 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Subway Route, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Subway Route, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
104 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Subway Stations, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, Subway Stations, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
105 GIS Shapefile – Transportation, TIGER Road Network – GIS Shapefile – Transportation, TIGER Road Network 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
106 GIS Shapefile – Trash Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Trash Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
107 GIS Shapefile – Trash Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Trash Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
108 GIS Shapefile – Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
109 GIS Shapefile – Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City, block group – GIS Shapefile – Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City, block group 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
110 GIS Shapefile – Vegetation by block group Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Areal summary of vegetation by census block group for Baltimore City. This dataset summarizes area occupied by vegetation (forest and grass) for every block group in Baltimore City. It also presents the normalized vegetaion area for each census block group. The area was normalized by taking the vegetation area and dividing it by the area of the block group. 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
111 GIS Shapefile – Vegetation for private lands, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Vegetation for private lands, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
112 GIS Shapefile – Vegetation for private lands, block group, Baltimore City – GIS Shapefile – Vegetation for private lands, block group, Baltimore City 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neal-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
113 GIS Shapefile – Water-Sewer Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Water-Sewer Complaints, Baltimore City, 01/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
114 GIS Shapefile – Water-Sewer Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: Water-Sewer Complaints, Baltimore City, 02/2001 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
115 GIS Shapefile – ZBA_parcels – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: ZBA_parcels 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
116 GIS Shapefile – ZBA_point – GIS Shapefile – This GIS dataset only available by contacting BES Directly. Title: ZBA_point 12/31/2009 12/31/2009 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Morgan Grove LULC Data
117 GIS Shapefile, Spatial boundaries and land cover summaries for eight sub-watersheds of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER – This data set includes watershed boundary shapefiles and a quantitative summary of total area and land cover at 1-meter and 30-meter spatial resolutions for eight sub-watersheds of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER. 9/20/2017 9/20/2017 John Lagrosa, Claire Welty PS, OM Data
118 GIS Shapefile, Tree Canopy Change 2007 – 2015 – Baltimore City – Tree canopy change measured and between 2007 and 2015 in Baltimore 8/28/2017 8/28/2017 Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne LULC Data
119 Housing and parcel transactions for the Baltimore metropolitan region (1996-2014) – Housing and parcel transactions for the Baltimore metropolitan region (1996-2014) 8/1/2017 12/31/2008 Morgan Grove, Elena Irwin HEI Data
120 Immature mosquito abundances in container habitat, 2013. – These data represent relative weekly abundances of container-breeding mosquitoes at sites located across the BES long-term stream sampling sites and Watershed 263. 12/2/2015 9/24/2013 Shannon LaDeau PS Data
121 Land Cover, Baltimore City – Land Cover, Baltimore City 9/1/2009 9/1/2009 Larry Band LULC Data
122 Land Cover, Baltimore County – Land Cover, Baltimore County 9/1/2009 9/1/2009 Larry Band LULC Data
123 Long-Term Monitoring of Riparian Water Table Depth and Groundwater Chemistry – Long-Term Monitoring of Riparian Water Table Depth and Groundwater Chemistry 9/29/2017 2/13/2018 Peter Groffman, Lisa Martel MOIM Data
124 Mosquito Ovitrap Data from Baltimore City and County (2011-2015) – Mosquito Ovitrap Data from Baltimore City and County (2011-2015) – These data represent relative weekly abundances of container-breeding mosquitoes at sites located across the BES long-term stream sampling sites, Watershed 263 and adjacent Baltimore City neighborhoods. The values represent mean larvae count across ovitraps 2/16/2018 8/1/2015 Shannon LaDeau PS, D Data
125 Pharmaceutical effects on biofilm functioning quantified via contaminant exposure substrates presented in Rosi et al. 2018. – Pharmaceutical diffusing substrates were placed in 4 BES streams along an urban-suburban gradient for a period of approximately 2 weeks and biofilms were allowed to grow on the substrates. We brought substrates back to the laboratory and measured the microbial activity (respiration rates) of the biofilms to ascertain whether exposure to pharmaceuticals altered the rates of microbial growth. The methods and results are described in Rosi et al. 2018. 2/26/2018 3/31/2012 Emma Rosi, Alexander Reisinger MOIM Data
126 Physical, chemical and biological properties of forest and home lawn soils – Physical, chemical and biological properties of forest and home lawn soils 10/4/2011 3/1/2018 Peter Groffman, Steve Raciti MOIM, OM Data
127 Policy Inventory for Baltimore Maryland USA – Policy Inventory for Baltimore Maryland USA 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 Shawn Dalton HEI Data
128 Precipitation measurements at eight stations for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study – Precipitation measurements at eight stations for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study 2/26/2018 2/26/2018 Claire Welty, John Lagrosa D, MOIM Data
129 Riparian vegetation data – 1 of 11 – 1999 and 2004 trees – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
130 Riparian vegetation data – 10 of 11 – elevations_at_locations_across_transects – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
131 Riparian vegetation data – 11 of 11 – species_lists – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
132 Riparian vegetation data – 2 of 11 -1999_plot_and_2004_transect_locations – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
133 Riparian vegetation data – 3 of 11 – 1999_riparian_HERB_DATA – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
134 Riparian vegetation data – 4 of 11 – 1999_riparian_SHRUB_DATA – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
135 Riparian vegetation data – 5 of 11 – 1999_SEEDLING_DATA – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
136 Riparian vegetation data – 6 of 11 – 1999_TRANSECT_DESCRIPTIONS – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
137 Riparian vegetation data – 7 of 11 – 2004_elevations_of_plots – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
138 Riparian vegetation data – 8 of 11 – 2004_riparian_herb_data – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
139 Riparian vegetation data – 9 of 11 – 2004_riparian_shrub_data – Comparisons of vegetation between the rural/suburban (upper) and urban (lower) sections of the watershed show distinct patterns across an urban to rural gradient. In the lower, more urban section of the watershed, wetland tree species are either absent or occur as small stems while upland species are abundant, in mixed sizes. A comparison of the number of wetland and upland species in the mostly urbanized Gwynns Falls riparian zone with non-urbanized Piedmont floodplains throughout Maryland shows approximately twice as many upland species in the urban floodplain than in non-urbanized floodplains. The majority of shrubs in riparian zones through the Gwynns Falls are upland species. For herbaceous species, frequencies of upland and wetland species are about equal in the upper and middle regions of the watershed, but upland species are more common in the more urban lower floodplains by a factor of greater than two. 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 Grace Brush PP, PS Data
140 Soil atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane – Soil atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane 8/1/2017 8/1/2017 Peter Groffman MOIM, OM Data
141 Soil moisture and temperature along an urban to rural gradient at the Baltimore Ecosystem Study 2011- present – Soil moisture and temperature along an urban to rural gradient at the Baltimore Ecosystem Study 2011- present 3/1/2010 2/1/2018 Peter Groffman, Dan Dillon MOIM Data
142 Soil moisture in long-term study plots – Soil moisture in long-term study plots 5/4/2012 10/9/2014 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
143 Soil solution chemistry data from long-term study plots – Soil solution chemistry data from long-term study plots 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 Peter Groffman, Lisa Martel MOIM Data
144 Soil Temperature Data Water year 2000-2011 – Soil Temperature Data – Hillsdale 1 – Water year 2000-2011 – Complete Spreadsheet With Graphs and Background Information, Field Notes. 1/1/2012 7/1/2017 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
145 Stable Isotopic Composition of Nitrates and POM in BES Streams – Stable Isotopic Composition of Nitrates and POM in BES Streams 1/16/2012 Sujay Kaushal MOIM, OM Data
146 Stewardship Mapping And Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) – Stewardship Mapping And Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) 9/19/2013 6/3/2013 Michele Romolini HEI Data
147 Stream biofilm bacterial community composition – Analysis of stream biofilm diversity in the Gwynns Falls and Oregon Ridge watersheds and relationship to urban land use and influence of wastewater effluent (e.g., pharmaceuticals, salt, nutrients). 1/14/2016 1/14/2016 Sylvia Lee, Emma Rosi, John Kelly PS, OM Data
148 Stream chemistry and stream flow overview, methods, and procedures – Stream chemistry and stream flow overview, methods, and procedures: This is a document describing the methods and practices of stream chemistry data from collection, to storage, quality control, analysis, and curation. The document is in Rich Text format (RTF). 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
149 Stream chemistry for core sites in Gwynns Falls: concentration of Cl, NO3, PO4, total N and P, SO4, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, plus temperature, pH, clarity, turbidity, isotopes, and pharmaceuticals – Baltimore Ecosystem Study stream chemistry for core sites: a CSV File of stream chemistry values; parameters: Date, Site, Cl (mg/L), NO3 (mg N/L), TN (mg N/L), TP (ugP/L), PO4 (ug P/L), SO4 (mg/L), time, stage, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, clarity, turbidity (NTU), Ecoli (CFU/100ml), 1,7-Dimethylxanthine (ug/L), Acetaminophen (ug/L), Amphetamine (ug/L), Caffeine (ug/L), Carbamazepine (ug/L), Cimetidine (ug/L), Cotinine (ug/L), Diphenhydramine (ug/L), MDMA (ug/L), Methamphetamine (ug/L), Morphine (ug/L), Sulfadimethoxine (ug/L), Sulfamethoxazole (ug/L), Thiabendazole (ug/L), d15N-NO3 (0/00), d18O-NO3 (0/00), Ca (mg/L), HCO3 (estimated mg/L), K (mg/L), Mg (mg/L), Na (mg/L) 6/28/2018 6/28/2018 Peter Groffman, Emma Rosi, Lisa Martel MOIM Data
150 Stream chemistry for Cub Hill sites: concentration of Cl, NO3, PO4, total N and P, SO4, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, plus temperature, pH, clarity and turbidity – Stream chemistry for Cub Hill sites. Cub Hill is the location of the BES flux tower. This is a CSV File of stream chemistry values; parameters: Date, Site, Cl (mg/L), NO3 (mg N/L), Total Nitrogen (TN) (mg N/L), Total Phosphorus (TP) (ugP/L), Phosphate (PO4) (ug P/L), and Sulfate (SO4) (mg/L). 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
151 Stream chemistry for upper tributaries of Gwynns Falls watershed: concentration of Cl, NO3, PO4, total N and P, SO4, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, plus temperature, pH, clarity and turbidity – Baltimore Ecosystem Study stream chemistry for upper tributaries of Gwynns Falls watershed: a CSV File of stream chemistry values; parameters: Date, Site, Cl (mg/L), NO3 (mg N/L), Total Nitrogen (TN) (mg N/L), Total Phosphorus (TP) (ugP/L), Phosphate (PO4) (ug P/L), and Sulfate (SO4) (mg/L). 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
152 Stream chemistry for Watershed 263 sites. This is a CSV File of stream chemistry values; parameters: Date, Site, Cl (mg/L), NO3 (mg N/L), Total Nitrogen (TN) (mg N/L), Total Phosphorus (TP) (ugP/L), Phosphate (PO4) (ug P/L), and Sulfate (SO4) (mg/L). – Stream chemistry for Watershed 263 sites. This is a CSV File of stream chemistry values; parameters: Date, Site, Cl (mg/L), NO3 (mg N/L), Total Nitrogen (TN) (mg N/L), Total Phosphorus (TP) (ugP/L), Phosphate (PO4) (ug P/L), and Sulfate (SO4) (mg/L). 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 Peter Groffman MOIM Data
153 Stream metabolism data for core sites in Gwynns Falls: high temporal frequency (5-10min resolution) measurements of dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, discharge and depth. – Baltimore Ecosystem Study stream metabolism data for core sites in Gwynns Falls: high temporal frequency (5-10min resolution) measurements of dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, discharge and depth. 2/23/2018 2/23/2018 Alexander Reisinger, Emma Rosi PP, OM, D Data
154 Synoptic water chemistry and discharge data for the Baismans Run sampling sites – 2007 – 2008 – Stream water quality and discharge data collected by Monica Smith using flow velocity measurment method. These data are for the BARN sampling site. 9/9/2013 2/9/2013 Larry Band MOIM Data
155 Synoptic water chemistry and discharge data for the Glyndon and Baismans Run sampling sites – 2001 – 2002 – Stream water quality and discharge data collected by Steven Kenworthy using flow velocity measurment method. These data are for the Glyndon and Baisman’s Run sampling sites. 9/9/2013 2/9/2013 Larry Band MOIM Data
156 Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) to calculate forest structure and function from sample ground data. Two part set. – Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) Data. The UFORE model calculates forest structure and function from sample ground data. 1/20/2018 1/20/2018 David Nowak PP, PS Data