Baltimore Ecosystem Study Data Catalog
To submit data for the BES LTER catalog, please email Dr. Chris Swan at
Click here to Download the data listed below from the EDI Data Portal.
– To search by keyword, use the Search box to the top right of the table.
– To search by core research area, use the following abbreviations in the corresponding column:
- PP – primary production
- MOIM – movement of organic matter
- OM – organic matter
- PS – population studies
- D – disturbance
- HEI – human environment interactions
- LULC – land use/land cover change
[This table was last updated on May 10, 2024.]
A Land-use/Land Cover Classification of Baltimore City in 1927 | LULC | Lagrosa IV, John J; Sonti, Nancy; Grove, Morgan J ; | 10/19/26 | 2/24/27 | Spatial Datasets | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, classification, urban ecosystems, urban ecology, urban landscape, landscape ecology, socioecological, watersheds, urban, Geographic Information Systems, GIS, landscape, spatial methods, land use, land use history, land cover, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota |
A Land-use/Land Cover Classification of Baltimore City in 1953 | LULC | Lagrosa IV, John J; Sonti, Nancy; Grove, Morgan J ; | 8/23/52 | 2/14/53 | Spatial Datasets | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, classification, urban ecosystems, urban ecology, urban landscape, landscape ecology, socioecological, watersheds, urban, Geographic Information Systems, GIS, landscape, spatial methods, land use, land use history, land cover, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota |
American Residential Macrosystems | MOIM | Groffman, Peter; Cavender-Bares, Jeanine; Hobbie, Sarah; Avolio, Megan; Wheeler, Megan; Trammell, Tara; Locke, Dexter; | 7/30/08 | 8/26/09 | Biodiversity | lawn cover; soil biogeochemistry; entire-yard vegetation; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study polar organic contaminant integrative sampler data for pharmaceuticals and personal care products in core sites within Gwynns Falls watershed and reference sites. | MOIM | Rosi, Emma; Reisinger, Alexander; | 10/18/12 | 10/18/12 | Biogeochemical | Pharmaceuticals and personal care products; organic contaminants; urban stream; stream chemistry; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Code for calculations of annual pharmaceutical loads at Gwynns Falls Carroll Park | MOIM | Fork, Megan; | 11/2/17 | 11/15/18 | Biogeochemical | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, pharmaceutical, watersheds, urban, water chemistry, pollution, streams, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Denitrification potential in riparian zones and streams | MOIM, OM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 6/1/98 | 11/12/15 | Biogeochemical | soil; chemistry; nutrients; nitrogen; carbon dioxide; atmosphere; flux; microbial biomass; denitrification; microbial nitrogen; roots; mineralization; respiration; Baltimore; MD; Washington; DC; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Estimates of population in focal watersheds based on 2010 census | HEI | Fork, Megan L; Locke, Dexter H; | 1/1/20 | 12/31/10 | Social | census; humans; populations; watersheds; geographic information systems; BES LTER; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Maryland; spatial reweighting; Environment and People; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Forest Cover in the Gwynns Falls watershed from 1914 to 2004 | PP, LULC | Zhou, Weiqi; Huang, Ganlin; Cadenasso, Mary L; Pickett, Steward; | 1/1/14 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, Forest Cover, Landscape Change, watersheds, urban, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Household Telephone Survey in support of Locke et al 2019 in PLoS One | HEI | Locke, Dexter H; Grove, Morgan J; Polsky, Colin; | 11/21/11 | 12/29/11 | Social | irrigation; fertilization; pesticide application; houseold income; age; cohesion; social network; cross-site; LTER; BES; CDR; PIE; CAP; FCE; Los Angeles; metropolitan statistical area; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Increased diversity of the regional species pool via seeding augments establishment of native species in experimental vacant lot restorations | PP | Swan, Christopher M; | 1/1/14 | 12/31/16 | Biodiversity | populations, disturbance patterns, Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, watersheds, urban, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Invertebrate and Restoration Habitat Data | PS, OM | Swan, Christopher; | 9/1/11 | 12/31/12 | Biodiversity | watersheds; biodiversity; rivers; restoration; invertebrates; streams; aquatic ecosystems; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; brownfield; river network; environment; biota; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Ecology; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Lawn productivity 2006-2007 | PP | Jenkins, Jennifer; Groffman, Peter M; Sonti, Nancy F; | 4/1/06 | 8/31/08 | Biogeochemical | inorganic nutrients, organic matter, primary production, disturbance patterns, Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, residential land, urban, vegetation, soil, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Long-Term Monitoring of Riparian Water Table Depth and Groundwater Chemistry | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 3/23/00 | 12/23/19 | Biophysical | riparian; water table; streams; ammonium; nitrate; phosphate; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; environment; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Loss of Phylogenetic Diversity under Landscape Change | D, LULC | Swan, Christopher; | 1/1/95 | 12/31/06 | Biodiversity | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS), watersheds, urban, macroinvertebrates, streams, aquatic ecosystems, stream ecology, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People, Urban natural resources management, biota, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: November 21, 2019 Download of TreeBaltimore data in support of Anderson et al 2022, Ecosphere | PP | Anderson, Elsa; Locke, Dexter H; Pickett, Steward TA; LaDeau, Shannon L; | 4/18/17 | 10/3/19 | Biodiversity | Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES LTER, Baltimore, MD, urban forest, street trees, park trees, public trees, inventories, trees, tree mortality, disturbance, urban |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Pharmaceutical concentrations for core sites in Gwynns Falls and Baisman Run | MOIN | Rosi, Emma; Fick, Jerker; Fork, Megan; | 11/2/17 | 11/15/18 | Biogeochemical | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, pharmaceutical, watersheds, urban, water chemistry, pollution, streams, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Physical, chemical and biological properties of forest and home lawn soils | MOIM, OM | Groffman, Peter M; Raciti, Steve; | 5/1/07 | 8/31/07 | Biophysical | soil; forests; urban; carbon; nitrogen; nitrate; ammonium; bulk density; land use; mineralization; nitrification; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; residential; biota; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Plant ecology; Environment and People ; Urban natural resources management; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Precipitation measurements at eight stations | D, MOIM | Welty, Claire; Lagrosa, John; | 6/1/09 | 12/31/17 | Meteorology | watersheds; rain; precipitation; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Gwynns Falls; real time; tipping bucket; environment; climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 1 of 11 - 1999 and 2004 trees | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; trees; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 10 of 11 - elevations at transect locations | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 11 of 11 - species lists | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; shrubs; trees; plant species; species lists; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 2 of 11 -1999_plot_and_2004_transect_locations | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; trees; shrubs; herbs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 3 of 11 - 1999 riparian herb data | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 4 of 11 - 1999 riparian shrub data | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; shrubs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 5 of 11 - 1999 seedling data | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; seedlings; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 6 of 11 - 1999 transect descriptions | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; tree; shrub; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 7 of 11 - 2004 plot elevations | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; tree; shrub; elevation; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 8 of 11 - 2004_riparian herb data | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; herbs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 9 of 11 - 2004 riparian shrub data | PP, PS | Brush, Grace; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/04 | Biodiversity | Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; watersheds; riparian; vegetation; shrubs; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; biota; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Soil atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane | MOIM, OM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 11/10/98 | 6/29/18 | Biogeochemical | watersheds; carbon dioxide; nitrous oxide; methane; riparian; gas flux; soil; atmosphere; carbon cycling; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Soil moisture and temperature along an urban to rural gradient, 2011 - present | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 6/6/11 | 8/8/17 | Biophysical | soils; watersheds; temperature; soil temperature; soil water content; dataloggers; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; volumetric water content; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Soil moisture in long-term study plots, 1999-2011 | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 2/23/99 | 8/15/11 | Biophysical | soils; watersheds; soil water content; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; volumetric water content; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Soil solution chemistry data from long-term study plots | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa D; | 10/22/99 | 8/31/18 | Biogeochemical | lysimeters; watersheds; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; ammonium; forests; urban; soil solution chemistry; riparian; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; zero tension lysimeter; rural; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stewardship Mapping And Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) survey results 2011 and 2019 | HEI | Sonti, Nancy F; Locke, Dexter H; Grove, J Morgan; Romolini, Michele; Carpe, Sarah; Radwell, Molly; | 2/1/11 | 3/9/20 | Biodiversity | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, watersheds, urban, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota, Human-Environment Interactions |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream biofilm bacterial community composition | PS, OM | Lee, Sylvia S; Rosi, Emma J; Kelly, John J; | 6/18/14 | 10/21/14 | Biodiversity | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, Illumina, sequence, DNA, watersheds, urban, streams, bacteria, biodiversity, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota, environment |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream chemistry for core sites in Gwynns Falls | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma; Martel, Lisa D; | 8/1/98 | 10/27/23 | Biogeochemical | clarity, ecoli, dimethylxanthine, acetaminophen, caffeine, carbamazepine, cimetidine, cotinine, diphenhydramine, MDMA, methamphetamine, morphine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethoxazole, thiabendazole, d15N-NO3, d180-NO3, Baltimore, MD, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, LTER, environment, streams, watersheds, nitrate, phosphate, nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, sulfate, stage height, temperaturel, oxygen, ph, turbidity, calcium, bicarbonate, potassium, magnesium, sodium, long term monitoring |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream chemistry for Cub Hill sites | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Martel, Lisa; | 8/1/99 | 7/8/10 | Biogeochemical | streams; watersheds; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Baltimore; Maryland; MD; LTER; BES; Chesapeake Bay; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream chemistry for Gwynns Falls Upper Tributaries | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma; Martel, Lisa D; | 4/1/99 | 9/6/00 | Biogeochemical | streams; watersheds; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream chemistry for Watershed 263 sites | MOIM | Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma; Martel, Lisa D; | 4/6/04 | 5/4/10 | Biogeochemical | streams; watersheds; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate; stage height; temperature; oxygen; pH; turbidity; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; clarity; ecoli; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Maryland; LTER; BES; environment; |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream metabolism data for core sites in Gwynns Falls | PP, OM, D | Reisinger, Alexander; Rosi, Emma; | 10/24/12 | 11/19/16 | Biogeochemical | streams; metabolism; temperature; photosynthetically active radiation; dissolved oxygen; gross primary production; respiration; light; discharge; depth; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; Chesapeake Bay; environment; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Hydrology, watersheds, sedimentation; |
BES bird survey for Watershed 263, winter, 2012, survey data. This dataset pairs with a file of same name containing a summary of the survey. | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 3/2/12 | 3/6/12 | Biodiversity | fauna; environmental; bird; count; transect; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
BES bird survey for Watershed 263, winter, 2012, survey summary. This dataset pairs with a file of same name containing the data (counts) for the survey. | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 3/2/12 | 3/6/12 | Biodiversity | fauna; environmental; bird; count; transect; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
BES bird survey habitat features. This is a collection of the habitat features for the BES bird sampling points. Features include number of houses, proximity to trees, shrubs, grass, annuals, and other vegetation and physical features. | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 6/7/12 | 6/27/12 | Biodiversity | fauna; environmental; bird; count; transect; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
BES Household Telephone Survey | HEI | Grove, Morgan; Locke, Dexter; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/11 | Social | recreation; environmental knowledge; environmental perceptions; environmental behaviors; social capital; social cohesion; residential; land management; quality of life; neighborhood satisfaction; environmental satisfaction; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
BESLTER Permanent Plot vegetation data combined for the survey years of 1998, 2003, and 2015 | PP, PS, D | Templeton, Laura; | 1/1/98 | 12/31/15 | Biodiversity | Vegetation; Baltimore; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Bird Survey | PS | Nilon, Charlie; Brodsky, Christine; | 1/1/01 | 12/31/15 | Biodiversity | fauna; environmental; bird; count; transect; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Bird Survey - Table 2 of 4 - Taxalist | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 6/30/02 | 1/1/09 | Biodiversity | birds; survey; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Bird Survey - Table 3 of 4 - Sites | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | birds; survey; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Bird Survey - Table 4 of 4 - Surveys | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | birds; survey; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Soil Fauna - Cub Hill Forest Earthworms | PS | Szlavecz, Kathy; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | fauna; earthworms; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Soil Fauna - Earthworm Localities | PS | Szlavecz, Kathy; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | fauna; earthworms; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Soil Fauna - Relative frequency of soil arthropod groups at Cub Hill | PS | Szlavecz, Kathy; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | fauna; arthropods; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Soil Fauna - Relative frequency of terrestrial isopod species in urban and rural forests | PS | Szlavecz, Kathy; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | fauna; isopods; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity - Fauna - Soil Fauna - Species List | PS | Szlavecz, Kathy; | 6/30/02 | 6/30/02 | Biodiversity | fauna; species; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Biodiversity, Fauna, Vacant Lot Bird Communities | PS | Nilon, Charlie; | 5/24/15 | 7/8/15 | Biodiversity | fauna; environmental; bird; count; transect; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
CENTURY modeled urban residential soil and tree carbon | PP, OM, MOIM | Trammell, Tara; Yesilonis, Ian; | 1/1/16 | 12/31/16 | Biogeochemical | soil C storage; tree C storage; residential lawns; CENTURY model; urban soil carbon; BES; Baltimore; Gwynns Falls; Baltimore County; |
Data for L.R. Johnson and S.N. Handel - Restoration treatments in urban park forests drive long-term changes in vegetation trajectories - Ecological Applications doi:10.1890/14-2063.1 | PP, PS, D | Johnson, Lea; | 6/29/09 | 8/19/10 | Biodiversity | Ampelopsis brevipedunculata; Celastrus orbiculatus; adaptive management; ecological restoration; ecological succession; invasive species; New York City; novel assemblage; Rosa multiflora; urban ecology; urban forest; vegetation dynamics; New York City; NY; NYC Parks; Pelham Bay Park; Prospect Park; Inwood Park; Cunningham Park; Van Cortlandt Park; |
Geodatabase for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Spatial Data | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 6/1/14 | Social | spatial data; gis; geographic information system; mapping; photographs; BES; Baltimore; Gwynns Falls; Baltimore County; |
Georectified Mosaic of Aerial Images of Baltimore City in 1927 | LULC | Lagrosa IV, John J; Sonti, Nancy; Grove, Morgan J ; | 10/19/26 | 2/24/27 | Spatial Datasets | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, georectification, historical aerial imagery, historical imagery, urban ecosystems, urban ecology, urban landscape, landscape ecology, socioecological, watersheds, urban, Geographic Information Systems, GIS, aerial imagery, landscape, spatial methods, land use, land use history, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota |
Georectified Mosaic of Aerial Images of Baltimore City in 1953 | LULC | Lagrosa IV, John J; Sonti, Nancy; Grove, Morgan J ; | 8/23/52 | 2/14/53 | Spatial Datasets | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, georectification, historical aerial imagery, historical imagery, urban ecosystems, urban ecology, urban landscape, landscape ecology, socioecological, watersheds, urban, Geographic Information Systems, GIS, aerial imagery, landscape, spatial methods, land use, land use history, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, biota |
GIS Shapefile - Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, Baltimore City, block group | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, block group | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, parcel level | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Analysis of potential stewardship in support of BES research, residential. | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Counties, MSA - County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Counties, MSA - County boundaries within the BES Main Study Area. | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Identification of priority planting locations for trees within Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Long Term Sampling Grid, 100 Meters, Baltimore MSA - BES Main Study Area | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/11 | Spatial Datasets | recreation; environmental knowledge; environmental perceptions; environmental behaviors; social capital; social cohesion; residential; land management; quality of life; neighborhood satisfaction; environmental satisfaction; Baltimore City; Harford; Baltimore County; Carroll County; Anne Arundel County; |
GIS Shapefile - Long Term Sampling Grid, 300 Meters, Baltimore MSA - BES Main Study Area | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/11 | Spatial Datasets | recreation; environmental knowledge; environmental perceptions; environmental behaviors; social capital; social cohesion; residential; land management; quality of life; neighborhood satisfaction; environmental satisfaction; Baltimore City; Harford; Baltimore County; Carroll County; Anne Arundel County; |
GIS Shapefile - Main Study Area Boundary - BES Main Study Area | PS, LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Neighborhood boundaries for neighborhoods within Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | recreation; environmental knowledge; environmental perceptions; environmental behaviors; social capital; social cohesion; residential; land management; quality of life; neighborhood satisfaction; environmental satisfaction; Baltimore City; Harford; Baltimore County; Carroll County; Anne Arundel County; |
GIS Shapefile - Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City, block group | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Riparian vegetation (forest and grass only) within a 100ft buffer of all 1:24K streams in Baltimore City. | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Soil, Survey County of Baltimore, Maryland | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | soil survey; soils; Soil Survey Geographic; SSURGO; Baltimore; UMBC; |
GIS Shapefile - Soil, Survey for City of Baltimore, Maryland | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | soil survey; soils; Soil Survey Geographic; SSURGO; Baltimore; UMBC; |
GIS Shapefile - Soil, Sampling locations, Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/04 | 11/17/11 | Spatial Datasets | soil survey; soils; Soil Survey Geographic; SSURGO; Baltimore; UMBC; |
GIS Shapefile - Summary of Block Group level analyses for Baltimore City. | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Urparian (non-parcel) vegetation (forest and grass) in Baltimore City, block group | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Vegetation by block group Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Vegetation for private lands, Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile - Vegetation for private lands, block group, Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neal-Dunne, Jarlath; Grove, Morgan; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/99 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
GIS Shapefile, Spatial boundaries and land cover summaries for eight sub-watersheds of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER | PS, OM | Lagrosa, John; Welty, Claire; | 9/20/17 | 9/20/17 | Spatial Datasets | spatial data; gis; geographic information system; mapping; photographs; BES; Baltimore; Gwynns Falls; Baltimore County; |
GIS Shapefile, Tree Canopy Change 2007 - 2015 - Baltimore City | LULC | O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; | 1/1/07 | 12/31/15 | Spatial Datasets | spatial data; gis; geographic information system; mapping; photographs; BES; Baltimore; Gwynns Falls; Baltimore County; |
Green stormwater infrastructure projects voluntarily installed in Baltimore City through 2019 | HEI | Solins, Joanna P; Phillips de Lucas, Amanda K; Cadenasso, Mary L; Grove, J. Morgan; | 1/1/01 | 12/31/19 | Social | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, watersheds, urban, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , Urban natural resources management, green infrastructure, green stormwater infrastructure |
Housing and parcel transactions for the Baltimore metropolitan region (1996-2014) | HEI | Grove, Morgan; Irwin, Elena; | 1/1/96 | 12/31/08 | Social | Housing transactions; property characteristics; land sales; housing parcels; hedonics; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Immature mosquito abundances in container habitat, 2013. | PS | LaDeau, Shannon; | 4/23/13 | 9/24/13 | Biodiversity | fauna; mosquito; entomology; pest; aquatic; population; biotic; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Land Cover, Baltimore City | LULC | Band, Larry; | 1/1/07 | 12/31/07 | Social | Not Available; Not Available; |
Land Cover, Baltimore County | LULC | Band, Larry; | 1/1/07 | 12/31/07 | Spatial Datasets | Not Available; Not Available; |
Mosquito Ovitrap Data from Baltimore City and County (2011-2016) | PS, D | LaDeau, Shannon; | 1/1/11 | 12/31/16 | Biodiversity | watersheds; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; LTER; BES; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; ovitrap; mosquito; environment; biota; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; |
Neighborhood Socioeconomic and demographic changes in Baltimore's (BES) Neighborhoods: 1930 to 2010 | HEI | Locke, Dexter H; | 1/1/30 | 12/31/17 | Social | Redlining; segregation; legacies; housing markets; neighborhoods; cities; Baltimore; Housing Market Typology; Home Owners Loan Corporation; HOLC; Tree Canopy Change; Urban Tree Canopy; UTC; SESYNC; BES; LTER; geographic information systems; census; |
Nitrogen cycling, soil properties and infiltration rates along a topographic gradient in lawns in Baltimore County, Maryland | MOIM | Suchy, Amanda K; Groffman, Peter M; | 9/1/17 | 2/28/18 | Biogeochemical | Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BES; LTER; Baltimore; MD; Maryland; urban ecosystems; residential lawns; biota; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Plant ecology; Urban natural resources management; urban; ecosystems; nitrogen cycling; hydrology; infiltration; denitrification; nitrogen; |
Pharmaceutical effects on biofilm functioning quantified via contaminant exposure substrates presented in Rosi et al. 2018. | MOIM | Rosi, Emma; Reisinger, Alexander; | 3/1/12 | 3/31/12 | Biogeochemical | Pharmaceuticals and personal care products; organic contaminants; urban stream; stream chemistry; biofilms; respiration; Baltimore; MD; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Policy Inventory for Baltimore Maryland USA | HEI | Dalton, Shawn; | 1/1/05 | 1/1/05 | Social | Social; networking; policy; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities; data in support of Locke et al 2021 in npj Urban Sustainability | HEI | Locke, Dexter H; | 1/1/30 | 12/31/18 | Social | Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, Urban Tree Canopy, Environmental Justice, Mortgage loans, spatial vector, watersheds, urban, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Geography, Environment and People , Decision making, public involvement, History, Urban natural resources management, Social values, ethics, biota |
Seasonal N dynamics and fluxes of nitrogen in leachate and runoff from experimental rainfalls on fertilized and unfertilized lawns in Baltimore County, Maryland | HEO, MOIM, OM | Suchy, Amanda K; Groffman, Peter M; | 4/1/18 | 3/30/19 | Biogeochemical | Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, Baltimore, MD, Maryland, urban ecosystems, residential lawns, biota, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Plant ecology, Urban natural resources management, urban, ecosystems, nitrogen cycling, hydrology, infiltration, denitrification, nitrogen, inorganic matter |
Seeing the light: high temporal frequency (5-10min resolution) measurements of dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, and depth used to estimate metabolism in restored and unrestored Baltimore streams. | MOIM | Reisinger, Alexander J; Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma J; | 4/24/15 | 3/28/17 | Biogeochemical | stream; metabolism; oxygen; gross primary production; respiration; light; discharge; depth; Baltimore, MD; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; LTER; Coastal SEES; |
Seeing the light: metabolic activity of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region. | MOIM | Reisinger, Alexander J; Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma J; | 4/24/15 | 3/28/17 | Biogeochemical | gross primary production; ecosystem respiration; restoration; stream metabolism; urban stream; Baltimore, MD; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; Coastal SEES; LTER; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; |
Seeing the light: nitrate spiraling and hydrogeomorphic characteristics of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region. | MOIM | Reisinger, Alexander J; Groffman, Peter M; Rosi, Emma J; | 7/2/15 | 3/26/17 | Biogeochemical | nitrate; restoration; urban; canopy cover; discharge; nutrient spiraling; nutrient uptake; Baltimore, MD; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Coastal SEES; LTER; |
Soil Temperature Data Water year 2000-2011 | MOIM | Groffman, Peter; | 1/1/00 | 9/1/11 | Biophysical | Soil; Temperature; Climate; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Stable Isotopic Composition of Nitrates and POM in BES Streams | MOIM, OM | Kaushal, Sujay; | 11/18/03 | 7/25/05 | Biogeochemical | Isotopic; composition; soil; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Stewardship Mapping And Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) | HEI | Romolini, Michele; | 2/1/11 | 4/1/11 | Social | Network; social; policy; government; seattle; baltimore; network analysis; decision makers; environmental stewardship; organizational networks; social-ecological governance; network analysis; collaborative natural resources management; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Stream chemistry and stream flow overview, methods, and procedures | MOIM | Groffman, Peter; | 8/1/99 | 7/8/10 | Biogeochemical | stream; watershed; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate RG: Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Synoptic water chemistry and discharge data for the Baismans Run sampling sites - 2007 - 2008 | MOIM | Band, Larry; | 7/31/06 | 10/23/07 | Biogeochemical | stream; watershed; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate RG: Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
Synoptic water chemistry and discharge data for the Glyndon and Baismans Run sampling sites - 2001 - 2002 | MOIM | Band, Larry; | 6/26/01 | 6/13/02 | Biogeochemical | stream; watershed; nitrate; phosphate; nitrogen; phosphorus; chloride; sulfate RG: Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
The role of riparian functional and phylogenetic diversity on leaf litter processing in rivers leaf litter processing in rivers | OM | Swan, Christopher M; | 1/1/14 | 6/1/15 | organic matter, populations, disturbance patterns, Baltimore, MD, Maryland, Baltimore Ecosystem Study, BES, LTER, watersheds, Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment, Environment and People , biota, environment | |
Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) to calculate forest structure and function from sample ground data. Two part set. | PP, PS | Nowak, David; | 1/1/99 | 12/31/14 | Biodiversity | urban forest monitoring; ecosystem services; urban forest change; urban forest structure; Baltimore; MD; Washington; D.C; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore-Washington; Maryland; |
White oak and red maple foliar chemistry of urban and reference forests of the eastern US | MOIM | Sonti, Nancy F; Hallett, Richard A.; Griffin, Kevin L.; Sullivan, Joe H.; | 7/1/15 | 8/15/15 | Biogeochemical | chemistry; foliage; nitrogen; aluminum; potassium; calcium; microbial biomass; magnesium; manganese; phosphorus; lead; sulfur; Baltimore; MD; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; PA; New York City; New York; NY; Maryland; biota; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Plant ecology; Environment and People ; Urban natural resources management; |