BES Synthesis and Integration Publication Timeline Available

BES has been a major source of integration among disciplines as it explores the structure, processes, and dynamics of Baltimore as a social-ecological system. Some key integrative and synthetic papers have been assembled into a timeline. The timeline is at
Integrative papers are defined as ones that are cross disciplinary or multidisciplinary. Synthetic papers are those that generate new combinations of insights, new or improved concepts and conceptual frameworks, or point toward new theoretical perspectives for urban social-ecological research and application.
If you are a BES contributor and wish to see an integrative or synthetic publication added to the timeline, please send it to my by 15 November. See the existing draft timeline as a model of what to submit. Entries should have these components:
1. A short title
2. A sentence or two describing the contribution.
3. In the “more” tab, the full bibliographic citation, including url or DOI if available, the names of all authors and the usual details will appear. The more tab has a 300 word limit at present, so even the expanded text should be relatively brief.
Note that publications will be places in the year of publication. Month and day info appears, but this is not the actual publication date. Don’t pay attention to month and day — just year. Send as an email attachment to picketts at with TIMELINE in the subject line. A new version of the timeline will be constructed as time permits, but a stable version will be dated 15 November for now.