A Collaborative Network for Research, Education, and Application

Brief description The Baltimore Ecosystem Study is a collaborative that aims to improve the understanding of how Baltimore works as a social-ecological place. This is a big job that requires […]


The Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) is dedicated to informing sustainable cities through advancing an understanding of urban ecosystems. Since 1997, BES has fostered a collaborative network of scientists, sociologists, urban […]

Education and Outreach

The Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) education program is tasked with infusing BES science into the public sphere. Fostering an understanding of the metropolis as a social-ecological system lies at the […]

Integrating Chemistry and Earth Science (ICE) video

ICE is a collaboration between BES, the Baltimore City Public Schools and George Washington University and funded by an NSF DRK-12 grant to infuse Earth science content and 3-Dimensional learning […]